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    Yes!!! We are so excited as well! Kickoff with NCTM President Trena Wilkerson begins in one hour. For anyone still not registered, there's still time! The 2024 NCTM Virtual Leadership Conference synchronous sessions run each Thursday for the next ...

  • latern专业破解版安卓最新版


    So excited for this! ------------------------------ Dee Crescitelli Director Kentucky Center for Mathematics President, KCTM ------------------------------

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    2024 Leadership Conference registration now open!

    Registration for the virtual  2024 NCTM Leadership Conference  is now open! Affiliate leaders, aspiring leaders, teacher leaders, this is for you. In this three-week conference, each week will begin with the release of six engaging and thought-provoking ...

From the Blogs

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    STEM for All: Defining moments

    By Chuck English, Al Byers, David Barnes and Steve Barbato Are you part of the 15 percent of the population who remember Sputnik, the purported catalyst for the scientific revolution that hit the United ...


  • Math Modeling in the Early Grades k-6

  • Session 7 Zoom Discussion Recording - 7/30/2024

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  • RE: Session 8- Organizing High School Mathematics

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    Aug 6, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM (ET)

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    Aug 7, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM (ET)

  • NCTM 2024 Standards Online Report Compiler Training (9/25/20) E-Workshop

    Sep 25, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM (ET)


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  • Marian Dingle
    Marian Dingle
  • Michelle Naidu
    Michelle Naidu
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    Carol Matsumoto
  • Jackie Murawska
    Jackie Murawska